Friday 15 October 2010

In Which There is Tea, Cake and Kidnapping

We had, apparently, arrranged to meet up with @Nemone7 and Brian J. Showers at 8.30 in order to go tto visit a cemetery, so we had an early breakfast, a which we were  serendipitously joined by @ickle_tayto

We walked to the cemetery,[edit to add - Anabel (@Nemone7) tells me the graveyard is Mt Jerome] where we saw the graves of Sheridan LeFanu, And of the fathers of both Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker, not to mention many wonderfully named scions of Dublin, including one Hercules Ellis. There are many warning signs about hwthe gates are locked at 4p.m. SHARP. And quite a few disturbingly disturbed looking graves, which lead you to wonder whether the gates are locked to keep visitors ou, or to keep somthing else in.

But I'm sure that the little bits of bone were just from rabbits, or urban foxes. and there's a good reason for the crypts to be so securely locked.

We all go out safely, and in our search or coffee (sadly the coffee shop in he cemetery itself was not open) we found a cryptic warning:  I can't speak for the others but I for one am grateful for the warning and intend to be on my guard around toast from now on. It should have warned of tea, though.

Our morning coffee break  was a little marred when the waiitress (who was otherwise lovely) lost control of her tray, and spilled boiling tea all over my foot.

I do not recommend this. I am always open to new experiences, but I feel confident in saying that hot tea should not be used externally. They did bring me cold coke cans to use as a cold compress, and, eventually new tea. and I'm sure the blisters will heal soon. I'm told  I was lucky.Some people get bogged in Dublin, which is more permanent.

Visiting yarn shops in the company of mad knitters is not, as far as I know, a well publicised or common part of the Dublin experience, but it should be.Lorraine was kidnapped for the afternoon by some knitters she met in a pub, and I got to tag along as a spare hostage.

We visited 3 yarn shops, and some countryside, and there was coffee and cake, and Octokitty, who is travelling with Lorraine, got a shiny new eyepatch to cover up his/her/it's bengal-induced eye loss. (Patch provided courtesy of free yarn from The Yarn Shop  and mad knitting skills of Siobhan!)

And then, when we got back, Lorraine was taken away to be important as a con guest, & I got t meet up with Nathalie and Cheryl and to go out for a fantastic Indian meal.

And after that:-

Oh, and I got birthday gifts and Q got kidnapped again, and there were lots of lovely  Irish  people to talk to.

1 comment:

Dragonsally said...

Coke compresses? The mind boggles. Maybe "Toast" was code for "Tea"?

Very glad to hear you survived the graveyard, although I reather regret the absence of the wonderful tale you would have had if you'd been locked in!